Board Committees


School Accountability Committee (SAC)

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Committee Mission: By statute, every public school must have a SAC. The SAC is responsible for evaluating school data against performance markers, assessing benchmarks, making recommendations to school leaders, and drafting DLS’ School Performance and/or Improvement Plan. The SAC does this by reviewing data and the previous UIP in order to develop a new School Performance Plan.

Board Member: Lindsey Foss

Executive Director Evaluation Committee

Committee Mission: One of the main functions of the DLS Board is to oversee and supervise the Executive Director in her role as the school leader. In the past, the Board has conducted a performance review at the end of the school year, as a data-driven look back. This resulted in a very labor-intensive process for both the Board and the Executive Director that, unfortunately, may not have been the most meaningful or forward-looking. For SY 2020-21, we will be initiating this committee to take on a new evaluation process that contemplates a more goal-oriented, regular check in process that allows much more streamlined, real time communication and feedback.

  • Goal Setting: The Executive Director will identify individualized goals as well as institutional goals and objectives for the upcoming performance year. This would be a collaborative process between the Executive Director and the Committee. Goals should (ideally) be set by July of each year. The Executive Director’s goals should contemplate the competencies required for Executive Director's to be successful, that reflect the professional goals that are consistent with DLS' core values, and identify what the Executive Director wants to achieve in terms of job growth and development, 

  • Check-Ins: This Committee is then responsible for having at least three check-ins with the Executive Director during the performance cycle. Following each meeting, a summary will document areas of progress toward identified goals, changes in the goals to adjust to changing circumstances, or newly identified issues/goals. These check-ins are intended to support collaboration and communication between the Executive Director and the Committee. They are intended to allow a regular forum for discussing accomplishments, as well as provide constructive feedback and to just assess ongoing development and progress toward meeting identified goals. If necessary, these check ins will be a good time to adjust goals, as necessary! 

  • Performance Summary: Then, at the end of the performance year, the Committee and the Executive Director work together to create a "Final Performance Summary" at the end of the performance cycle that focuses on: Highlights, Challenges, Progress Towards Goals, and Professional Development and Performance. This is most akin to a year-end review. The Committee will gather performance data like surveys, observations, review of work product, and the discussions that were had during the check-ins and report to the Board at Large.

Board Member: Susan Cheng Usman

Finance Committee

Committee Mission: The finance committee oversees the school’s budget and asset management.  This committee approves short-term and long-term financial goals for the charter school, recommends and monitors a budget aligned with the school’s strategic priorities, ensures compliance with strong policies, and raises financial concerns and solutions to safeguard the school’s resources. The finance committee includes the school Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer, and at least two board members, one of whom serves as the Treasurer and committee chair.  The committee meets at least once between every board meeting and submits a committee summary to the full board to communicate progress.

Board Member: Ken Zerkel

Facilities Committee

Committee Mission: This Committee is charged with providing students and faculty with the facilities and resources for a functional, safe and efficient learning environment to carry out the mission and vision of Denver Language School. The Committee does this through ongoing evaluation and oversight of existing facilities and campus options; determination of future needs (current year and multiple-year); coordination with DPS facilities and bond committees; coordination with DLS staff, board and committees to identify facilities and transportation  needs; coordination of current construction projects; evaluation of ongoing maintenance requirements; make recommendations to board concerning facilities-related communication with DLS board, staff, parents and students.

Board Member: Veronique Van Gheem

Governance Committee

Committee Mission: The Governance Committee is the committee of the board, by the board, and for the board. Its primary responsibility is to ensure the board is governing effectively and revitalizing itself. It is the responsible for providing leadership for board education, ensuring a strategically composed board is in place to govern the institution, nominating candidates for officer positions and committee membership, nominating and orienting new board members, ensuring an effective governance structure, board professional development and training, and ensuring an effective board self-assessment process.

Board Member: Veronique Van Gheem